Monday, July 19, 2010

Brooklyn Projects + Rides + Spocom = Great Team Support!

Havent posted in a long time! So a couple saturdays ago, we were invited to display our cars at Brooklyn Projects in Pasadena for their grand opening in conjunction with Envy Expo. We brought out Kennedy's LS460 and David's Q45.

Brooklyn Projects was packed with customers... If you're into Nikes, skateboarding, and awesome T-shirts, check them out!

Last Wednesday, Rides Magazine came to the shop to shoot our cars. Javy, Brian, Bonnie, Kennedy, and myself stayed up for a few nights to freshen up the shop a bit for the shoot but the photographers neglected to shoot inside but all I have to say was it was a bad day to shoot since it was way to hot! Approximately 105 degrees, but nonetheless it was a really good shoot. Keep an eye out for Rides September Issue. We will be here everyday for autographs... LOL JK!

On Saturday, we had to drive our cars to Long Beach for SpoCom Super Show's roll in. As we were driving on the 405, we encountered a dead tire in the fast lane. PJ swerved and missed it while David just barely tapped it, then everyone started to brake hard, Javy slammed on his brakes to avoid damaging his GS. Doing so, his brakes locked up and he spun out 360 on the freeway. While spinning out, he missed hitting the curb by 2 inches and avoided getting t-boned by a truck by 6 inches. Luckily nothing happened to Javy and his car! no more than 1 week of him getting back into shows, something like this happens. Being the trooper he is, we continued to the convention center.

Upon arriving at the check in spot, we had to wait for Hiep and Thi to burn more than a quarter tank of gas since we werent allowed to have more than 1/4 of gas. Blistering sun beating on us, we were finally allowed inside. On Sunday it was show day... Brian and I came early to detail the cars but we werent allowed in until 10AM :(
We then met up with David and Tue who havent slept that night since they were finishing up the audio install on the Wagon. 11 o'clock hit and show was open! Overall it was a good show, even though we didnt bring any trophies back. It was a good show regardless since Dean drove down from Sacramento, we had great team effort and support, great parking area, beautiful models and a lot of followers.

I'll be posting up pictures soon, so stay tuned!

(damn, posting from my phone sucks, sorry if its a giant paragraph)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rollin' hard, Drivin' Slammed, Grindin' Daily. That is how VIP Platinum X VIP Modular rolls.....HARD!