** Unscheduled programming first :P **

Progress on that crazy Supra that was getting the Level10 transmission installed.
--And back to your regularly scheduled program--
So a while ago, Club Lexus member TongPhan was searching for air suspension, or another way to slam his car. A few nice members pointed out Platinum VIP was having a special on the Phantom Cup Kits (Thumbs up to you guys for reading!!). I caught TongPhan as he was getting ready to leave the shop. He seemed real interested in purchasing the cup kit. And a few days later, he ended up pulling the trigger! Congratulations TongPhan, and I hope you enjoy it dearly!!! Thumbs up for those beautiful HRE's you have! They compliment your car very nicely! So without further ado, here's TongPhan's GS with the Phantom Cup Kit!

I must also add, the travel on the Cup Kit with the Megan Racing coilovers on his car offer HUGE travel! This has the most travel i've seen with the Cup Kits! It looks like it can raise and drop over 4 inches! Check out the video in my previous post for reference!
..Now onto the surprise birthday present from a customer to his wife!
This VW Beetle Convertible was given to us by a customer to customize for his wife. What's the occasion you ask? It was a present for his wife! Imagine that, waking up in the morning, only to see in your garage a BRAND SPANKING NEW CAR!!!!!! In this case, a fine, brand new Volkswagen Beetle Convertible tastefully done by Platinum VIP and VIP Modular Wheels! That would be like Christmas day... except you have both Christmas on your Birthday AND Christmas on Christmas!! I'd be all giddy and excited like a schoolgirl around chocolate, haha :P
So this past Friday, August 21st, we loaded up the Beetle, and headed to Manhattan Beach, where we were going to meet the customer, and drop the car off with him. We arrived early at around 11PM, and we had prior arrangements to meet at a Starbucks around 11:30PM-12AM. We ended up taking a short trip around a few blocks sightseeing. I had never been there, but wow the beach was below us! It would have been good to take some landscape shots, but police constantly patrolled the area. It was scary :P So at Midnight, we met up with the customer, got the VW off the trailer, and handed him the keys. I really hope his wife enjoys this special birthday present!!

All prepped and ready for the excursion to Manhattan Beach!!

Getting ready to unload. These VIP Modular VR08's are beautiful!!

And it's off!!

Time for the VW Beetle Convertible to head into it's home, and this huge suprise for the customer's wife awaits!!